We can all agree on that! Eating is life… Most of us grew up eating meat every day, but today we’re being told that we need to change our habits. And that the planet is burning up and we can’t wait any longer.
We have two pieces of good news for you
DOESN’T MEAN GIVING UP YOUR FAVOURITE FOODSJust because you’ve decided to be mindful of the impact your food has on our beautiful planet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy great flavour. At ACCRO, we deliver amazing taste, flavourful aromas and chewy textures. Just try it, you’ll love it!
DOESN’T MEAN EATING NO MEAT!Meat gives flavour to our lives, and sustainable livestock farming does exist, so if you like meat, go ahead and eat it! But why not change things up a little? Meat is a double-edged pleasure, for your health, the environment and biodiversity, so we want to support you in making this much-needed transition, slowly but surely.

Our solution: make the change delicious!
We’re not going to sugarcoat things: the environmental crisis is real. The good news is that there are solutions: ACCRO delivers plant-based alternatives that are 100% transition and 0% concession.
Eat a balanced diet that alternates between meat and plant-based protein?
That seems like a good starting point, doesn’t it? Because meat is delicious, and because by 2040, there won’t be enough to feed the whole planet, we thought that a delicious, nutritious eco-friendly plant-based alternative could motivate some people to shift to a more sustainable diet, without giving up the pleasure of good beef.
Our commitments: make you proud!
Citizens of the world, are you ready to stand up:
Yes to a smaller environmental impact?
Yes to protecting biodiversity?
Yes to eating delicious food?
Welcome to the paradise of good taste and good sense! Welcome to ACCRO!

The first food company in Hauts-de-France to be certified B CORP!
B CORP is an international certification that rewards us for having a positive impact on the world, in terms of our governance, our employees, the environment, the community, the relationship with our customers and the products we provide. There’s no shorter way to put it.
85,5 > This is the score that ACCRO earned!
In concrete terms, at ACCRO this means:
Being a mission-driven company – Designing quality products – Choosing local suppliers – Continuously improving our practices – Being an ethical and transparent company – Representing today’s society by promoting inclusion and diversity – Being a TRULY sustainable company – Taking care of our employees – Fighting global warming…
4,2%, this is the percentage of companies worldwide to obtain the B CORP certification, out of the thousands of candidate companies. We are incredibly proud of this, and we know that this is the first step on the promising path to social and environmental progress
We have lots more great ideas and projects in the pipeline!